Dunlop is one of the world's foremost manufacturers of high-performance tires. Dunlop is a brand owned by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, headquartered in Akron, Ohio, which employs approximately 73,000 people in 22 countries and produces nearly 200 million tires each year.
Dunlop's history (now approaching 125 years) traces back to the first pneumatic tire and the dawn of motor racing. That heritage is reflected in the design of every tire we make. Our focus on performance has led to numerous innovations and breakthrough technologies.
In addition to automotive tires, we produce a wide range of tires for motorcycles, ATVs, competition go-carts, and commercial trucks. We also sponsor numerous racing and high-performance automotive events.
Dunlop is one of the world's foremost manufacturers of high-performance tires. Dunlop is a brand owned by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, headquartered in Akron, Ohio, which employs approximately 73,000 people in 22 countries and produces nearly 200 million tires each year.
Dunlop's history (now approaching 125 years) traces back to the first pneumatic tire and the dawn of motor racing. That heritage is reflected in the design of every tire we make. Our focus on performance has led to numerous innovations and breakthrough technologies.
In addition to automotive tires, we produce a wide range of tires for motorcycles, ATVs, competition go-carts, and commercial trucks. We also sponsor numerous racing and high-performance automotive events.
Dunlop is one of the world's foremost manufacturers of high-performance tires. Dunlop is a brand owned by The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, headquartered in Akron, Ohio, which employs approximately 73,000 people in 22 countries and produces nearly 200 million tires each year.
Dunlop's history (now approaching 125 years) traces back to the first pneumatic tire and the dawn of motor racing. That heritage is reflected in the design of every tire we make. Our focus on performance has led to numerous innovations and breakthrough technologies.
In addition to automotive tires, we produce a wide range of tires for motorcycles, ATVs, competition go-carts, and commercial trucks. We also sponsor numerous racing and high-performance automotive events...

Dunlop KR 108 MS 4 RACE H886 Med
195/65 R 17 TL M/C NHS Hinterrad
* Einzigartiger Renngrip, unbeirrbare Fahrstabilität, faszinierende Lenkpräzision für schnelle Rundenzeiten
* Dank der einzigartigen NTEC- und Multi-Tread-Technologie vereint der KR108 exzellenten Grip mit geringem Verschleiss
* Passender Vorderreifen: KR106
Asphalttemperaturen von 10°C bis 30°C
Nach einer Stunde vorheizen mit Reifenwärmer die 80°C erreichen.
Luftdruck WARMGEMESSEN 1.40 bis 1.70 Bar !
Der Zieldruck sollte direkt nach dem Turn bei Rückkehr in die Box gemessen werden.
Das Luftdruckmessgerät sollte regelmäßig kontrolliert werden.
Der ideale Reifendruck kann abhängig sein vom Motorrad, von der
Rennstrecke, von den Asphalt- und Aussentemperaturen und dem Fahrstil des
Stabile Reifendrücke werden nach ca. 5 bis 8 Runden erreicht.